Sunday, June 8, 2014


Crochet projects I been working on.  A blanket for my hubby , washcloths and kitchen towels.  Also not to long ago I finished these Beautiful fingerless gloves and I just loved them. 

Crochet nights

One of the things I love doing is crocheting.  I love making stuff for my family.  And this are just 2 the blankets I crochet for my niece and nephew. 

30 day Body Detox

Body detox yeah sounds easier that it is,  and yes i have struggled but i haven't given up. Its been a learning experience. kinda cheated yesterday but Honestly I had a gluten free vegan pizza so i wasn't all that bad lol,  plus I was on a date with my hubby it was worth it. My journey has just begun and so far i feel so good. I Have become  


gluten free and loosing inches of my body heck yes lets keep going ..